Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Evan Roth

I few weeks ago we had Evan Roth come and speak to our class about his experience as an artist. I had actually seen something of his at the Museum of Modern Art. I didn’t actually know that it was his work until he should it to us in the presentation.

Well he spoke about his work during his college times. He showed us varies projects he did. But, what he really was really passionate about was graffiti. One of his projects, he explored a section of New York City and recorded all the occurrences of graffiti. Then he catalogues them by letter so that people can see the differences in typography. He later did this in Paris with funding.

He then showed us how he and a friend of his mixed his graffiti skills with varies mechanics and they created different projects. Like goggles one could use to draw even if you are paralyzed. Also, a graffiti pen which allows you to use light to tag buildings; which is the installation I saw at the MOMA.

He also spoke about how to market yourself. Really just put everything you have out there so that if some one sees it, and likes it, it will spread. Don't be afraid of copyright, in the end it is your idea; and if you get it out there enough... people will relies it's your design and they will look for you.

What I really enjoyed about his presentation was that he was so into what he was doing. He spoke of how he was constantly trying to think of something new and how on the weekend he would just do small projects for fun.

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