Monday, March 1, 2010

Going to South Africa

Nussbaum recently treaded to South Africa for the famous design expo Design Indaba. This is where African designer have the chance to come out and show their stuff! As well as designers through out the world of course.
The interesting thing about having an expo in South Africa is that it isn't a fully up to date country. Sure they have all the technology and things in the big cities but just outside of the center there is a clear difference in society. This culture needs certain types of design and one that stuck Nussbaum as clearly relevant was an architecture design by Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena.

What makes Aravena's designs so different is that he uses the bare minimum. When he went to Indaba he showcased a community development project in which the house can be changed. This means that if the wife's mother decides to move in you can add an extra room easy!

The main focus of Nussbaum's blog though was that this houses could be used by poorer communities as sources of revenue. While in South Africa he witnessed government funded housing in which the people who lived inside decided that they were better of renting the whole house and building a shack in the back for themselves.
In this economy, and in South Africa in general people are struggling to find a source of income. So, use the free house you were given by the State and pocket the rent. Smart!

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