Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some Advice

From our friend Seth Godin. It's interesting cause you always hear people say stuff like "practice makes perfect," or "keep at it, you'll get it eventually!" Well what if you really won't be able to get it eventually, maybe all you really need is a new perspective. If something isn't working maybe 'try hard' isn't the answer, maybe it's 'try different'.
I think it's funny because now that I think about it in Math you are always taught multiply ways of solving a problem. In case the square root formula doesn't work you can do it manually. If it doesn't multiply one way do it in parts... etc... Why did I never think to do this in my everyday life?

It's weird how frustrated I'll get over something and then realize it was such a simple thing to do! When I stopped took a moment and thought I would often realize there was a much better way to get things done. After all, isn't that why we now have Macs? Cause someone looked at an idea in a different way!

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