Saturday, March 6, 2010

Small Bathrooms

I do not particularly enjoy small bathrooms. And recently while looking for houses I encountered the worst bathroom I had seen in my life... It had the toilet seat hidden behind the shower... It was ridiculous. Also, I'm a big person so really a small shower isn't an option for me, I end up hurting myself somehow....
So, I was looking at a post on ApartmentTherapy which had solutions to this small bathroom problem. It said that if you really wanted a small bathroom you couldn't find it in America, you'd have to take a look at Europe or Asia, which is sad but true, everything is bigger in America! So European design...Small, sleek, and usable.

One thing that I found interesting is the SPAcer Fold Up Tub, yep, I said fold up tub. It saves space on the floor for when you aren't using it, like a fold away bed. But really, what about when you just want to shower.

Some things on the blog I would not approve having in my bathroom but there are things out there that can make a small bathroom look grand!

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